Pastor Leo  Strathman - Church of the Coming King

Pastor Leo Strathman

Pastor Leo Strathman has known for many years that God was going to use him in the End Times so, I know that we are in the End Times.  This Word of Prophecy was given him shortly after he was saved.  He has had a burden for the Lost since the day he was born again and saved. 

Pastor Leo's Ministry is marked in the Prophetic Ministry as well as Healing Miracles!  He has been Anointed with a strong mission for Prophetic-Healing and Evangelism.  His Ministry is centered on sharing the Love of Jesus Christ to those in need of a Savior!

His great burden for the Lost souls, often leads him into some dangerous situations throughout the Globe, but to proclaim Jesus' life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and His Second Coming is worth it all! 

Pastor Leo has been called to go the Nations and Evangelize.  He is especially called for the Muslim Countries.  His True Call is for Pakistan and for Afghanistan and for other Muslim Countries. 

Donna saw a vision of us both catching lots and lots of fish -"Fishers of men" - winning lots of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ so they escape the fires of Hell.  One Pastor from the Far East saw us winning millions of souls for the Kingdom of God and that Jesus is very happy with our hearts and with our work. 

Pastor Leo speaks in Healing and Prophetic Seminars and Crusades Internationally, accompanied by the supernatural demonstrations of the Kingdom of God.  He is dedicated to proclaiming the Love of Jesus Christ and equipping the Body of Christ to carry out the work of the Kingdom of God.

As a Evangelist, Leo's Revival work is marked with Apostolic/Prophetic-Healing Anointing/Evangelism and Exorcism

Ministry sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to countless souls to the Nations and the release of God's Power.

Using his delegated authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in Mark 16:17 and Luke 4:18, he sets the captives free and they receive deliverance. 

Leo draws people into Supernatural Encounters with Almighty God!  Ministering in a Prophetic flow, he has spoken a personal Word of the Lord to hundreds individually, producing hope, motivation, and clarity of direction.  Operating in the Revelation gifts of the Holy Spirit, physical conditions are revealed, creating Faith to receive Healing! 

1 Peter 2:24 "By Whose Stripes Ye Were Healed."

Reaching the World!
God is really moving in these Muslim Countries - His Glory and His Presence has come. Revival has rocked these Nations! Revival is all about Repentance! God is merciful as this is the first time ever they have ever heard the Gospel! One saw a vision - A Man dressed all in white with a Glowing face appeared to Him and had a hole in each hand and asked us - Who is this Man? We told him that was Jesus with His nail print hands...So many Testimonies!

Tariq Gill and his father were instructed in a dream, a white man from Abroad would come and ask us to work for God. "Over 21 years later, Pastor Leo, you are the man sent from God that we saw in the dream."

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